SpeTool Router bit end mill o flute


What is an O flute bit?
The O flute bit is a carbide spiral flute with a unique mirror finish, resulting in high-quality surface finishes, clean professional cuts, and prolonged tool life.
How does it compare with other flute bits?
The O flute bit was explicitly manufactured for CNC Router machines for use in a variety of applications. Over the years, due to continuous improvement in its design and geometry, these router bits became the sign-making industry’s favorite tool, easily out shadowing its competition. Compared to other flute styles, the cuts are cleaner, plunges are deeper and chips are easily directed up or down, depending on the type of spiral you choose. If you work primarily with plastic or aluminum, you’ll be happy to learn that heat is dispersed more easily with the O flute bit and stops welding back.
What material does it cut with?
Although it’s most commonly used with plastic and aluminum, you can use the O flute bit on a variety of materials, such as acrylic, nylon, foam board, laminate, solid surfaces, and wood.
SpeTool offers several classic O-Flute bits, available in 1/4 and 1/8 inch cut diameters, and their high quality has won praise from customers and is definitely worth the price.

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