I have several routers, only one is CNC. It happens to be one of the popular 3018 machines with and extended Y-axis, call it a 3037. I have a poplar board I've been using to make spoil boards. The W05011surfaced my latest spoil board very well. More importantly, it squared the spoil board to the spindle. This board had been through the jointer and thickness planer already, so it was already close and didn't take much to finish it. I haven't tried it on MDF because my dust collection system isn't great. I do like the fact that the cutters have 4 usable sides.AND it has extra cutters. It's going to be a long time before I need more. I'm not cutting deep. I'm only making sure the spoil board is aligned with the spindle. Out of curiosity, I also tried on a purple heart work piece. Again, not going too fast or cutting deep.It did very well on a 6" x 6" purple heart board. If you've ever worked purple heart, you know it can be difficult. I only took off 3/32". Yes, I did need a little denatured alcohol to clean the bit afterward. That was expected. If I find something not to like about this bit, I'll edit my post. At first glance, this bit works as advertised.
(Yes, at one time I was a Cobra helicopter mechanic.)