Hacer una caja con forma de corazón puede ser un proyecto divertido y creativo. Estos son los pasos para hacer una caja en forma de corazón usando brocas Spetool de corte hacia abajo de 1/4, broca para tazón y brocas de ajuste al ras de compresión del cojinete inferior:
Prepare el material: elija un tipo de madera que sea adecuada para su proyecto, como arce, cerezo o pino. Corta la madera al tamaño y grosor deseados.
Dibuja la forma de corazón: Dibuja una forma de corazón en la madera usando un lápiz y una plantilla o a mano. Asegúrate de que el corazón sea simétrico y los bordes sean lisos.
Recorte la forma de corazón: configure su enrutador con la broca de arco y la broca de corte de 1/4 hacia abajo . Comience en un borde del corazón y haga una serie de cortes superpuestos, avanzando gradualmente alrededor de la forma del corazón. Mantenga la fresadora firme y muévala a un ritmo moderado para evitar quemar o astillar la madera.
Lije los bordes: use papel de lija para suavizar los bordes ásperos o las imperfecciones de la superficie de la forma del corazón. Comience con un papel de lija de grano grueso y avance hasta obtener un grano más fino para lograr un acabado suave.
Haga la parte inferior: corte un trozo de madera del mismo tamaño que la forma del corazón. Utilice la broca de ajuste al ras de compresión del cojinete inferior para recortar los bordes de la pieza inferior para que coincida con la forma del corazón.
Ensamble la caja: aplique pegamento a los bordes de la forma de corazón y coloque la pieza inferior dentro de la forma de corazón. Utilice abrazaderas para sujetar las piezas mientras se seca el pegamento.
Termina la caja: Lija la superficie de la caja para eliminar las marcas de pegamento y darle un acabado liso. Aplique un acabado de su elección, como aceite, barniz o cera, para proteger la madera y mejorar su apariencia.
Añade una sorpresa: Por último, añade un toque especial al interior de la caja, como bombones, flores o una nota de amor, para convertirla en un regalo especial de San Valentín.
¡Espero que esto ayude! ¡Buena suerte con tu proyecto!
I've been testing these sanding pads, and you get really good value for your money.
You also get a protector for your machine. So you don't wear your velcro pad on that every time you switch sandpaper. That way you have a new velcro each time you buy a new pack of sanding pads from Spetools.
My highest recommendations from me.
Ordered this for flattening wood slabs, glue ups and other wood projects. I wanted something that could handle larger surfaces than the normal table top planer. First impressions. It came very well packaged so no parts bent or broken. The only thing that didn't make sense was about half the fasteners were just thrown lose in the box. Since everything else was so we'll packaged not sure why these weren't in a plastic bag. All the parts are well made and heavy duty. Assembly required some trial and error due to the instructions not being super clear. It was pretty easy to figure out and just required reversing a couple of the rails I had reversed. I didn't fully tighten the fasteners until I was sure everything was attaced correctly. The sled is bigger than what I pictured in my mind and I was originally a little concerned about storage when not in use since I don't have the space to leave it set up all the time. Once putting together I found it won't be an issue since the rails just ride on each other and lift appart. I need to get a bigger piece of plywood and will permanently attach the 2 long bottom rails to that. I can stand up in my shed when not in use and can take off the other rails and router base. I plan to buy a dedicated router to leave attached to the base so I don't have to take it off and on. Once assembled the rails slide very smoothly in both directions and adjustment scew works great. I will do a follow up to this review once I get the permanent router attached and can put the sled through the paces with actual projects. I do really like it and looking forward to using in my wood working.
It’s built like a tank, this should last until my woodworking days are over. It’s massive, it far exceeds my needs, but it gives me room to grow into making bigger and more complicated projects. Assembly was challenging since the directions are very clear, but with patience, mechanical ability, and some trial and error, I have it working perfectly. Storage will be a challenge. It collapses down, but the rails and sled are still big. I’m going to investigate hanging it from my ceiling.